District or Charter School Name |
St. Mary School, Alexandria, IN |
Continuous learning opportunities for St. Mary Students will be delivered as follows: Pre-Kindergarten (PK): Continuous learning opportunities, including Music, for all students enrolled in PK will use the Seesaw App. Currently, 100% of the PK parents are utilizing the app. Zoom meetings are used for support of all students including special student populations and for community. Kindergarten (K): Kindergarten will use Google Classroom (including Music activities), Raz-Kids as their reading tool, ConnectEd and Skills Buddy for math, YouTube videos and journaling for phonics and Science. Email, texting (parents) and Zoom meetings are used for support of all students including special student populations and for community. First Grade (1st): First grade continuous learning opportunities will be provided by using hardcopies of student work, textbooks (distributed to parents) and instructions delivered through packets that are picked up by parents on Monday mornings. Pre-recorded videos, email and text messaging (parents) are used to support all students including special student populations and for community. Second Grade (2nd): Second grade continuous learning opportunities will be provided by using hardcopies of student work, textbooks (distributed to parents) and instructions delivered through packets that are picked up by parents on Monday mornings. Pre-recorded videos, email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Third Grade (3rd): Third grade will use Google Classroom, Spell City, Raz-Kids and ConnectEd for continuous learning. Pre-recorded videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Title I Reading support for Kindergarten, First, Second and Third Grades special student populations: The Title I teacher has prepared weekly packets that will be distributed to parents on Monday mornings. Fourth Grade (4th): Fourth grade will use Google Classroom, Spell City, Raz-Kids ALECKS and ConnectEd (Math and Science) for continuous learning. Pre-recorded videos, Zoom, email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Fifth Grade (5th): Fifth grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math), Pearson Realize, and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Sixth Grade (6th): Sixth grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math), Pearson Realize, and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Seventh Grade (7th): Seventh grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math) and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Eighth Grade (8th): Fifth grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math) and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Physical Education (Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade): Private Facebook page for parents with Pre-recorded videos of student and family activities. email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Physical Education, Health, Careers (7th/8th Grades): Goggle Classroom, Pre-recorded videos, and YouTube videos are utilized for continuous student learning. Email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Music (First through 8th Grade): Goggle Classroom, Pre-recorded videos, and YouTube videos are utilized for continuous student learning. Email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Additional Support for special student populations: The school paraprofessional is available to students with ISP and 504 plans that require additional support with his/her continuous learning plan through student email and text messaging (parents). |
Communication of expectations for continuous learning implementation: Students:
Access to Continuous learning academic instruction and resources for St. Mary Students: Pre-Kindergarten (PK): Access to Continuous learning academic instruction, including Music, for all students enrolled in PK will use the Seesaw App. Currently, 100% of the PK parents are utilizing the app. Zoom meetings and pre-recorded teacher videos are used for instruction of all students including special student populations and for community. Kindergarten (K): Kindergarten will use Google Classroom (including Music activities), Raz-Kids as their reading tool, ConnectEd and Skills Buddy for math, YouTube videos and journaling for phonics and Science. Email, texting (parents) pre-recorded teacher videos and Zoom meetings are used to provide instruction to all students including special student populations and for community. First Grade (1st): Access to First grade continuous learning instruction will be provided by using hardcopies of student work, textbooks (distributed to parents) and instructions delivered through packets that are picked up by parents on Monday mornings. Pre-recorded videos from the teacher, email and text messaging (parents) are used for instruction to all students including special student populations and for community. Second Grade (2nd): Second grade continuous learning opportunities will be provided by using hardcopies of student work, textbooks (distributed to parents) and instructions delivered through packets that are picked up by parents on Monday mornings. Pre-recorded teacher videos, YouTube videos, email and text messaging (parents) will be used for instruction to all students including special student populations and for community. Third Grade (3rd): Third grade will use Google Classroom, Spell City, Raz-Kids and ConnectEd for continuous learning. Pre-recorded teacher videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used for instruction to all students including special student populations and for community. Title I Reading Support for Kindergarten, First, Second and Third Grades special student populations: The Title I teacher has prepared weekly packets with instruction and resources that are distributed to parents on Monday mornings. Fourth Grade (4th): Fourth grade will use Google Classroom, Spell City, Raz-Kids ALECKS and ConnectEd (Math and Science) for continuous learning. Pre-recorded teacher videos, YouTube vidoes, Zoom, email and text messaging (parents) will be used for instruction of all students including special student populations and for community. Fifth Grade (5th): Fifth grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math), Pearson Realize, and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded teacher videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used for instruction of all students including special student populations and for community. Sixth Grade (6th): Sixth grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math), Pearson Realize, and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded teacher videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used for instruction of all of all students including special student populations and for community. Seventh Grade (7th): Seventh grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math) and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded teacher videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used as instruction of all students including special student populations and for community. Eighth Grade (8th): Fifth grade will use Google Classroom, ConnectEd (Science and Math) and ALECKS are used for continuous learning. Pre-recorded teacher videos, YouTube videos, Zoom conferencing with students, email and text messaging (parents) will be used as instruction all students including special student populations and for community. Physical Education (Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade): Private Facebook page for parents with Pre-recorded videos of student and family activities. email and text messaging (parents) will be used support of all students including special student populations and for community. Physical Education, Health, Careers (7th/8th Grades): Goggle Classroom, Pre-recorded teacher videos, and YouTube videos are utilized for instruction. Email and text messaging (parents) will be used support instruction of all students including special student populations and for community. Music (First through 8th Grade): Goggle Classroom, Pre-recorded teacher videos, and YouTube videos are utilized for instruction. Email and text messaging (parents) will be used support instruction of all students including special student populations and for community. Additional Support for special student populations: The school paraprofessional is available to students with ISP and 504 plans that require additional support with his/her instruction. Communication is through student email and text messaging (parents). |
The school provides the following equipment/tools to the staff:
The school provides the following equipment/tools to the staff:
Educators and support staff are expected to connect with students using the following resources: Students:
School Schedule for continuous learning: Monday and Friday: Teacher workdays (set aside for planning, grading and communicating with parents) Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: Student workdays. Students receive instruction, feedback and communication with teachers. |
Educators are available to students and parents during school operating hours Monday through Friday via student email/parent email/phone conversations and other digital content, to answer student/parent questions. Each teacher has set office hours but make modifications to his/her office hours for students who are sharing devices, have limited access to the Internet and for working parents. Teachers communicate directly with students through Goggle Classroom, Seesaw and Remind Apps, student email and Zoom conferencing. Information has been provided to all parents. Feedback from the teachers if digital is immediate, if student work is being submitted on a weekly basis, then feedback is provided on a weekly basis. Feedback is provided through the following avenues:
Eighth grade students enrolled in Algebra, may earn high school credits. Students will satisfactorily complete and pass the required course work meeting State Standards. |
Attendance Policy per grade level:
Prior to starting the Continuous Learning Plan, teachers at St. Mary reviewed what classroom/grade level/subject State Standards had been taught and identified high-priority standards to be taught for the remaining weeks. Long-term goals and gaps are being addressed by utilizing fall and spring NWEA assessment scores, student work, and online digital curriculum that provides data to assess gaps in student learning and determine if the student is currently working/achieving below level, on level or above grade level in ELA, Math and Reading. For students who are currently “on-level” or “beyond level” content will be assigned at his/her current grade level and at the next grade level to challenge students. For students working “below-level” content will be assigned at current achievement level with digital RTI assignments and content “at-level” to challenge student achievement. The Title I teacher and school paraprofessional is available to students who receive Title I instruction and students with ISP and 504 plans that require additional support with his/her instruction. |
Professional Development for St. Mary Teachers: Teachers and administration will be involved in weekly delivery of Professional Development topics. Utilizing SimpleK12 online (how-to tutorials) Professional Development, the following professional development topics will be continued and completed by teachers: *Using Google Classroom (for starters) *Using Google Classroom (Intermediate) *Virtual Learning *Social Emotional Support *Supporting the Special Education Students in the Classroom *Podcasting *Additional teaching tools and resources for distance learning *Teacher shared ideas for tools and resources for distance learning |