Pre-kindergarten: A child must be three years old on or before August 1st.
Kindergarten: A child must be at least five years of age on or before August 1st to enter kindergarten. If a child's birth date is in August, the parent may appeal to request an early entrance. An assessment instrument for skills at this level will be given. The decision regarding enrollment is based on a variety of sources of information, not on a single score or sole criterion.
Transfer Students: When students are transferring from another school, parents arrange for the academic and health records to be sent before enrollment can be completed. The principal has this request for student records.
Special Needs: Students with disabilities are enrolled when minor adjustments can be made for their education. The school works cooperatively with Alexandria-Monroe Schools to provide the best possible placement and accommodations.
Priority is given to Catholic students as well as students with siblings currently enrolled. Non-Catholic families are welcome when space is available. Registration for current students is the first week of May. Other students will be considered after that date.
The application form for enrollment must be completed. The school must be provided with a birth certificate, health certificate, immunization record, and baptismal certificate (Catholics only). Immunizations are required and there is no religious exemption for Catholic families.
Students requesting enrollment depend on the school's ability to provide education consistent with the school's Mission Statement. This is determined by interviews with the parent(s) and student(s). When necessary, academic assessment will be a part of the enrollment decision as well as a review of academic and health records.
Students are enrolled conditionally as teacher, principal, and parents usually will meet after nine weeks to determine if this is the best placement for the student.
The school reserves the right to grant or deny admission in their sole and absolute pastoral discretion.
St. Mary School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry in the admission of students.